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Mobility, Freedom,
Comfort, Confidence

Expansive mobility, enhanced ergonomics, and smart design for a more active lifestyle

Designed for Your Unique Needs

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Strong, folding joints for easy storage and durability

Easy to use height adjustment system

Handy cup and cane holders

Not your typical Grandfather’s walker

Designed for daily freedom and confidence

Large air-filled tires for easier, smoother movement on rough surfaces

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Which Fits You?

For exploring the outdoors

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Uno All Terrain

For superior

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Prima Special

For improved upper body comfort

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Tipo Stand Up Advance


Experience something
truly different.
Uno All Terrain comfort and mobility taken to a whole new level.

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Delivering More Comfort,
Functionality, and Style

Goodbye to Aggravations

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Avoid common falls

Small wheels, rickety frames, and awkward handles contribute to accidents 

Enjoy smoother movement

Sturdy wheels with high quality bearings and tires reduce vibration and noise

Be proud of your mobility

Why not love your walker as much as your car? They're your "wheels", right?

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Grandma Nair trying out the first Comodità walker in 2014.

Our Story:

When aging family members living overseas didn’t have access to the walkers they needed, and the ones we found in the US did not meet all of our expectations, an idea took hold: what if we provided them?


We decided to combine our know-how in design and sourcing to create our own line of walkers that could provide the high standards our family members and others really need and deserve.

Built for Strength & Durability

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High-quality materials and components.

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Strict commercial quality forming and welding

Image by Aurelien Romain

Premium grade fit and finish on all parts


From Our Fans

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I selected this rollator walker for its combination of unique features that allows my husband, a man
over six feet tall, to be stable when walking outdoors. We are very well
pleased with this product.

– Momma D


28 months later, it's just as great as the first day! And this may sound odd, but people come over to me and ask about it because it is so different from what they have seen elsewhere.


– Jerry A. Confer

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I bought this walker to give to a friend who, due to health problems, has difficulty walking and lost the movements of her left arm. She said, “It is exactly what I needed and it's very easy to move around!"

– Suzy P. S.

Convenient Designs

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Lets Roll!

We've designed 12 models of walkers and several accessories to accommodate your unique needs and preferences. You should have a walker that you love. See what we've got for you...

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